Learning styles and types of multiple intelligences in dental students in their first and tenth semester. Monterrey, Mexico, 2015.

  • Gloria Martínez-Sandoval Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.
  • Juan Manuel Solís-Soto Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.
  • Jesús Israel Rodríguez-Pulido Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.
  • Hernán Zambrano-Margaín Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.


Introduction: Nowadays the incorporation and validation of learning styles and multiple intelligences enable teachers to obtain positive results in academic performance.  This new approach has allowed to appreciate personal differences in dental students and strengthen their underdeveloped aspects, improving teaching and learning skills. Objective: To compare learning styles and multiple intelligences in a sample of Mexican dental students in their first and tenth semester. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study using questionnaires on learning styles (Honey-Alonso) and Gardner’s multiple intelligences was performed. The study was applied to 123 students in their first semester and 157 in their tenth semester at the School of Dentistry at Universidad de Nuevo Leon, evaluating differences between age and sex. Results: Logical-mathematical intelligence (p=0.044) and kinesthetic-corporal intelligence (p=0.042) showed significant differences between students of both semesters, with intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences being more prevalent. Within learning styles, the prevalent were Reflexive and Theorist, showing a significant difference between semesters (p=0.005). Conclusion: The most prevalent learning styles in both groups were Reflexive and Theorist, with no difference between both sexes. The most prevalent types of multiple intelligences in both sexes and groups were interpersonal and intrapersonal.


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How to Cite
MARTÍNEZ-SANDOVAL, Gloria et al. Learning styles and types of multiple intelligences in dental students in their first and tenth semester. Monterrey, Mexico, 2015.. Journal of Oral Research, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 3, p. 103-107, apr. 2016. ISSN 0719-2479. Available at: <https://www.joralres.com/index.php/JOralRes/article/view/joralres.2016.023>. Date accessed: 03 may 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.17126/joralres.2016.023.


Education in dentistry; Learning Styles; Multiple Intelligences; Students.

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