Journal of Oral Research (J Oral Res.) is the official publication of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Concepción - Chile, ISSN Printed 0719-2460 and ISSN Online 0719-2479.
The mission of the Journal of Oral research is to publish original manuscripts resulting from scientific investigations, including: original articles, systematic reviews of the literature, study protocols, research hypotheses, case reports, and letters to the Editor.
Journal of Oral research, includes all areas of dental practice: clinical, basic sciences, epidemiology, translational and applied research, as well as other related specialties in the oral and maxillofacial territory. Authors must send their communications directly to the Editor, strictly following the rules established in the Instructions to Authors.
Journal of Oral research is a peer-reviewed scientific journal and all manuscripts are subject to review by 2 or more experts outside the Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidad de Concepción.
The copyright of all articles published in Journal of Oral research, belongs to the University of Concepción, Chile. All information in the J Oral Res. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license and must be properly cited.
The opinions and contents expressed in the Journal of Oral research are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Journal and/or the Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.
Journal of Oral Research is indexed by Scopus, DOAJ, LILACS, Latindex (Directory and Catalogue), Free Medical Journals, IMBIOMED, VHL Regional Portal, SAGE Journals, Citefactor, DIALNET, JournalTOCs, Index Copernicus, REBIUN, REDIB and Google Scholar . Journal of Oral Research is a member of COPE.